Oakwood, Ohio – LifeWise Academy in Oakwood, Ohio commenced its first classes on Tuesday. LifeWise Academy currently enrolls students in grades Kindergarten – 6th grade. Students travel from the Oakwood Elementary School to Twin Oaks United Methodist Church, where they meet to receive Bible-based character education.
“Thanks to our supportive community, we are up and running and serving 175 students,” said Traci Koenig, LifeWise Academy Director at LifeWise Paulding Exempted. “We are excited to be able to provide character-based Bible education to students at Oakwood Elementary.”
Students can still sign up to enroll at www.lifewiseacademy.org/pauldingoh
What a student said walking to the LifeWise Classroom, “What is LifeWise?” This same student leaving the LifeWise Classroom, “LifeWise was my favorite part of the day, I like learning about God and the Bible.”
LifeWise lessons are part of the school’s intervention time, held on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Students learn the Bible chronologically as part of the curriculum. Each lesson relates a Bible passage to a relevant character trait that the students are encouraged to practice in their families and communities.
LifeWise Academy is based in Hilliard, Ohio and is a Released Time Religious Instruction (RTRI) program that provides Bible-based character education to public school students. With parental permission, students are released from school during the day to attend classes that are off school property forty minutes per week.
For additional information about LifeWise Academy, visit lifewiseacademy.org.