The Village of Latty council recently held their September meeting recently. During the meeting Mayor Tom Sinn announced that as of December 31, 2022 he will be retiring and in doing so will resign from the mayor position. The council will work with their Solicitor Harvey Hyman on next steps.
Guests were present at the meeting at the request of council. Adam Panas, Community Development Planner was on hand to discuss a possible grant. Council has been collaborating with Maumee Valley Planning Organization to prepare a potential grant application for a street reconstruction project.
Also present was MetaLINK Technologies President and CEO Phil Maag. Maag presented the opportunity of bringing fiber optic internet services to the village. After much discussion the council voted 6-0 to allow a bid package to be assembled for the purpose of bringing fiber optic internet to Latty.
In other business the council:
• The County Engineer office will be placing signage around the village to warn semi-truck traffic that through traffic is not allowed inside the village limits. This action is in response to trains blocking the Highway 127 crossing for extended periods of time.
• Continued discussion on the railroad crossing on Alexander Street. Numerous attempts have been made to properly close the crossing and have safety barriers installed. Solicitor Hyman is working to legally resolve the issue.
• Council member Beth Stoller presented the council with a plan for the update of the village playground. Council reviewed the propsals and will start moving forward with the project and finding funds for the project.
• Council member Kirk Stoller updated the board on the installation of the new scoreboard at the Latty baseball field. The scoreboard, that was donated by Stoller Honey Farms/Kirk Stoller, will be installed in the next month.
• Council noted that a contract price is in place the Paulding County Engineer office to have a stone berm established in the coming month along Lewis Street , from Third Street to Railroad Street.
• Discussion continued about acquiring a new mower for 2023 village mowing.
The Village of Latty council meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6pm at Village Hall.