Theresa Juillerat, co-founder of Justice Accountability and Victims Advocacy (JAVA), Nate Moellering, Community Outreach Director for Fort Wayne Recovery and Allendale Treatment, and Brandi Shepherd founder of Walking in Awareness and Recovery, spoke at a Republican Study Committee roundtable hosted by Rep. Jim Banks about the harm caused by fentanyl in northeast Indiana and their work combatting the opioid epidemic.
Said Rep. Banks: “Yesterday, was one of the most powerful conversations I have had during my time in Congress. My oldest daughter just turned 13 earlier this month, and just like every parent in this country, I am terrified by the prevalence of this drug in our schools and communities. That is why I introduced the Protecting Kids from Candy-Flavored Drugs Act and will continue to work with my colleagues to address this deadly crisis. Thank you to Theresa, Nate, and Bradi for traveling to Washington to share their story with myself and lawmakers from across the country.”
Rep. Banks introduced the Protecting Kids from Candy-Flavored Drugs Act, legislation to increase penalties for drug dealers and manufacturers who market their products to children.