The Van Wert Peony Pageant Committee would like to announce that applications are available at participating schools for prospective pageant candidates for the 2023 event, which will be held on Friday, March 31st at Lifehouse Church in Van Wert.
Any school that is a member of Vantage Career Center may select a female candidate from their senior class to represent their district. These schools include: Antwerp, Continental, Crestview, Delphos St. Johns, Delphos Jefferson, Fort Jennings, Kalida, Lincolnview, Ottoville, Parkway, Paulding, Vantage, Van Wert, and Wayne Trace. Any young lady interested in participating should contact their school’s office to obtain information and an application. Each school district will select their own representative. Home School Students are also encouraged to apply.
All candidates will receive scholarship money upon completion of pageant requirements, in addition a total of over $4,000 in scholarships will be awarded to Queen Jubilee XLVIII and her court. This will include first and second runner up, Talent, Miss Congeniality, Community Involvement Winner, and Most Photogenic, along with the possibility of other prizes and awards.
The lucky young woman to be crowned Queen Jubilee XLVIII and her court will reign over the 2023 Peony Festival and have numerous other opportunities to be involved throughout the area.
For further questions, please contact Pageant Director Kim Ousley at 419-302-3845.