The Paulding County Economic Development (PCED) office recently hosted their annual Business and Industry Appreciation Banquet. Over 200 guests gathered at Grant’s Catering in Antwerp to network and join in the evening event.

Key-note speaker for the evening was Dr. Marty Miller, Superintendent of Antwerp Local School. Dr. Miller shared his Paulding County upbringing and compared the vast difference in today’s business climate with the climate when he graduated in the early 1980’s. Dr. Miller emphasized that culture trumps strategy, noting that the current business culture dictates future decisions for graduates each year. As a Paulding County graduate, and now working with today’s youth, Dr. Miller has seen both ends of the spectrum first-hand.
PCED Office Manager Kristen Schilt presented four new county business videos to market the businesses to the group. The videos for Ties & Bows Craft Shop, Antwerp; Pin-A-Rama Bowling, Diner & Pizza, Antwerp; Fur-Tastic Pups Dog Grooming, Cecil; and Maid to Achieve Cleaning Services, Paulding were created in conjunction with the Paulding Putnam Electric Co-op marketing team, PCED Board member Sarah Noggle and Schilt.
Economic Development Director Tim Copsey introduced PCED board members: Larry Manz, President, representing business and industry; Jim States, Vice-President, Oakwood Development Corp; Jeff Mumma, Treasurer, Financial Institutions; Sarah Noggle, Secretary, OSU Extension; Mike Kauser, Township Association; Bud Koenig, Planning Commission; Greg White, Mayors Association; George Carter, Paulding Community Improvement Corporation; Brett Wagner, at-large member; Ryan Whitaker, at-large member; Don Oberlin, Antwerp/Payne/Paulding County Community Improvement Corporation; and Joe Burkard, legal council but non-voting member.

Copsey shared many incredible statistics in regard to the 2022 business success of Paulding County. It was presented in the annual report that the current investment membership includes 234 business and individual entities from around the region. There were ten of those businesses identified by having been investment members of PCED for 20 years: Arthur Mutual Telephone Company, Paulding County Carnegie Library, Pleasant Valley Golf Course, Insource Technologies, Harrison Township, Tri-County Roofing, H.E.Orr Company, Village of Antwerp, Village of Cecil and the Village of Paulding.
Additionally, there was $65,302,241 capital investment reported by businesses in the county. Another point was that there have been 22 commercial property sales reported in the county this year. This brings the 3-year total to 56 properties changing hands since 2020.
Also noted was 191.92 new miles of fiber-optic cable put into the ground in 2022 with additional projects still being submitted. The hope is to use high speed internet as a draw to keep young people in the county and to offer an opportunity to bring back those that work from home.
Copsey then shared a narrative of how the business climate may change in the future with two 1000+ acre “mega” development sites within 20 miles of Paulding County. One is located just east of the Paulding County line in Defiance County, and the other in Van Wert County along US30. The development of one, or both of these sites, could drastically change and affect the Paulding County economy unless we plan ahead. There was additional presentation in regard to the subject.
PCED board President Larry Manz opened the event by welcoming attendees and sharing that for the second consecutive year, the economic development office posted 30% income growth over the previous year. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer, a nourishing meal was served by Grant’s. Wonderful dinner music was provided by Vivace String Duo.