By: Elizabeth Bok
On Thursday, October 13, the Fairview FFA attended the District 1 Dairy Foods and Cattle Judging Contest.
The members represented the chapter very well in the contest. The Plant and Animal class had been studying dairy cattle and dairy foods. They learned about the history, how to judge, and the general knowledge of dairy food and cattle. The students worked on dairy cattle judging practice classes, to help their judging skills, and prepare for the contest.
The class also tested different cheeses, kinds of milk, and other dairy products, to learn the differences between each, and be able to identify each. At the dairy cattle contest, the members evaluated 2 classes of dairy cows. They also judged 2 classes of dairy heifers. Along with these, they placed a class of sires and dam pedigrees.
To end the contest, the members completed a general dairy cattle knowledge test. At the dairy foods contest the members evaluated and identified different milk, cheese, and other dairy products. Along with this they also completed a dairy foods test. The chapter did very well in both contests.
At the dairy cattle contest, the team placed 2nd overall. As an individual Emma Zeedyk was 1st in the entire contest. At the dairy foods contest, the team placed 4th. Asia Brubaker finished 2nd and Althea Spangler finished 3rd overall individuals.