The Huber Opera House cordially invites you to attend a Dedication Celebration at the Huber on Sunday, December 11, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. followed by a reception.
The Huber has been blessed with many passionate volunteers and contributors over the past 25 years and the Board of Directors would like to celebrate their dedication to the restoration of this Hicksville landmark. This event would not be complete without the community as we reminisce about the transformation of this building and the people who so willingly gave their time and efforts to bring this location from “ready for the wrecking ball” to a vibrant and beautiful community establishment.
During this celebration, the dedication of The Corinne Hurni balcony, The Hilbert Family Community Room, Wayne’s Room, and Marlene’s Closet will honor just a few of these heroes of the reconstruction, but will also focus on many others who quietly contributed to the process to become a strong organization that supported all the steps along the way. The community members that stepped forward to establish the incorporation, the leaders who kept progress moving forward, the performers who graced the stage to raise money, the donors who supported the fund raisers, and the continual support of the “Huber Family” who donate their time to cleaning, decorating, pencil pushing, and attending events. The entire community is proud of the progress and accomplishments over the past quarter of a century and a celebration is in order.
The entire community is invited to celebrate with us. So please mark your calendars for December 11 at 2:30 and join us at the Huber for this celebration