Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitacker 

I know I am guilty. I love pie. Pie can finish off a good meal and I have even saw people eat their pie first at dinners. 

Have you ever went to a dinner and for dessert there was a big table full of all kinds of pie?  If you are anything like me, you might go up and look at the gorgeous pies and get the piece you want first. ( yes I have done it)

A local restaurant offers free pie with an entree every Wednesday night. If you don’t get there early you might not get your choice of pie. I got lucky this week and got a piece of peanut butter. It was very good.

Of course, today’s pie making is not like it used to be.  I remember my grandma rolling out pie crusts and using plain old lard and we did not even worry about our diets.

There are still some people who make their own pie crusts, but I found out it is easier to buy frozen  crusts.  Do they taste as good? ( that is determined by dedicated pie eaters)

In researching different kinds of pie I might want to make, I found some very strange ones.

Included were: camel pie, vinegar pie, beef and beer pie, green tomato pie, green grape pie, sweet chicken pie and ostrich pie. 

Then do you recall the nursery rhyme “4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie?”

Of course we know we have chicken pot pie, but I can’t seem to call it a pie. If it isn’t sweet, fruity or creamy, it is just not pie. 

One time when I was a new wife, I made a mulberry pie. I was so proud of it, but I did not know you had to take the stems off the berries. I was so humiliated I cried. No more mulberry or elder berry pie making for me. 

Wouldn’t’ it be fun to be a pie tasting judge?  If there is ever a pie contest I hope I get to be a judge. 

Now for some reason some people call pizza a pizza pie. I know my grandparents when they first tasted pizza, they were disappointed that is wasn’t a pie. 

Did you know that the Amish serve raisin pie at funerals? This is not a favorite pie of mine.  

Lots of us have good old recipes for pie. What is your favorite kind of pie and how do you make it? 

Let me know and I”ll give you a Penny For Your Thoughts.