Military History in Paulding County

By: Mark Holtsberry

The Folded Flag 

This is a different twist on a story, but hang on for the ending. 

This story is about a Civil War Veteran named Nelson Hand. Nelson was born in 1829. Records are hard to find after the whereabouts of his birth place. 

By 1850, Nelson was living in Richland, Allen County, Ohio as a carpenter. Nelson, plus his four brothers and two sisters, were living with a lady named Margaret Claybough. Not sure who she was, but provided them with a home.

On May 19, 1852, in Allen County, Ohio, Nelson married a gal named Mariah Russell. By 1860, Nelson, Mariah and four children, were living in a town called, Orange in Hancock County. Nelson was engaged in farming. Sometime after that, Nelson and family moved to Paulding County. 

As the Civil War broke out, the call for more troops were needed from Ohio. Paulding County organized a Company of men, forming Company H. 132nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. On May 12, 1864, this Company was ordered to Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio. On May 14, 1864, this Company was mustered into service to serve 100 days. They were shipped by rail, to Washington D.C. to serve as guard and picket duty. Nelson was selected to serve as Corporal. 

On August 27, 1864, the Company boarded trains and was sent back to Columbus, Ohio, where the Company was mustered out of service, September 10, 1864. By 1870, Nelson and family were still living in Paulding. Nelson, Mariah and now eight children, were living on a farm. 

On June 8, 1873, Nelson was in Lima, Ohio, unclear of the circumstances, he passed away. His body was brought back home to Paulding. His body was laid to rest in Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Jackson Township. He did receive his upright Military tombstone. He is buried in Section B., Lot 18, Grave 1. On August 17, 1892, his son George, filed for Nelson’s Civil War Pension. 

Now for the rest of the story. I always replace flags in Jackson Township cemeteries, all four of them, on Memorial Day. And I go back on Veterans Day to see if any need replaced. This year on Veterans Day, while in Pleasant Grove Cemetery, I noticed from a distance, that Nelson Hand’s flag was gone. 

So I walked over to place a fresh flag at his grave site. That is when I noticed someone had picked up the old flag and folded it up, military style, and tucked it within the flag marker. In amazement, I took the flag and put it in my pocket and placed a new flag in its place. I believe I will keep this folded flag as a reminder of the sacrifices that our Veterans went through. But I have to wonder, who did this gesture for Nelson Hand? 

As when it comes down for my estate sale, years away, I hope, who will find this flag, and what will become of it after that? Oh well, now you all know the rest of the story! 

…Until Next Time!