Make plans to attend the next event at the Historic Fort Wayne in downtown Fort Wayne. Nouvelle Annee 1743 – A New Year in France on Saturday, January 28, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
It is the dawn of the new year 1743 at Post des Myaamia (Miami). Rumors abound of what the future will bring to the Native Village of Kiihkayonki (Kekionga) and this settlement of French soldiers, civilians, and traders nearby. The trade has been waning over the past year. Goods have been expensive. There is talk of the Iroquis granting land to the English merchants in Ohio. The king has said that soon all trading contracts will be revoked. The posts will instead be auctioned off into the control of rich nobles to try to revitalize the trade. What will this mean for the traders of Post des Myaamia (Miami)? How will the French deal with the high cost of goods in their relations with the natives of Kiihkayonki (Kekionga)? Come see how life goes on at Fort St. Phillippe and Post des Myammia (Miami) among the French colonial settlers, soldiers, and their Native American allies in January of 1743.
Always check our website at oldfortwayne.org, Facebook.com/HistoricFortWayne, or call (260)437-2836 for schedule updates and information.
Historic Fort Wayne is located at 1201 Spy Run Avenue, Fort Wayne, IN.