Over 850 sophomores from our 13 associate school districts experienced what Vantage student-life and opportunities are like at the annual “Sophomore Day” on Friday, February 3, 2023. Each sophomore was given an opportunity to shadow current students in two different career technical programs of interest to them. During each 45 minute visit, sophomores gained career knowledge through interactive activities, student-led demonstrations, spoke to employers and alumni, and discovered opportunities they may have as a future Vantage student, including the Career Advanced Placement and College Credit Plus programs.
Carpentry students were able to showcase the operation of the CNC router machine while sophomores used handheld routers as well as a jigsaw to complete a cell phone holder project. Additionally, sophomores learned how to build scaffolding, which is one of the newest certifications within the Carpentry program. Health Information Management students guided sophomores through intradermal injections, electronic and manual vitals, as well as CPR and stop the bleed activities. Sophomores visiting the Precision Machining program were able to create an aluminum spinning top, learning facing skills on manual lathes, turning down the metal using a cnc, and engraving the metal using both a 3 axis and fifth axis cnc. Business programs like Network Systems highlighted computer hardware and software, IT fundamentals and security, while Interactive Media showcased web design and certifications earned through Adobe products!
Sophomores ended their visit with Early Childhood Education senior Jorja Forwerck (Crestview) and Electricity senior Caden Wright who shared what their student life, opportunities and accomplishments look like as they complete their senior year. Sophomores were then invited to the Vantage Open House on Monday, February 27 for a more in depth opportunity to visit programs that directly align with their career interests. Here are a few frequently asked questions – and answers – about enrolling at Vantage.
Q: Can I go to college after
A: Yes! Vantage prepares not just career bound students, but also those who are college bound. About 42% of Vantage graduates continue their education immediately after high school graduation at a two or four-year college. Students are urged to check with their school counselor to be sure that all requirements for college entrance are met.
Q: Is College Credits Plus available through Vantage?
A: YES! Many of the career tech programs have articulation agreements with local colleges, which provide some college credit for Vantage lab work and certifications. College Credit Plus is available at Vantage Career Center.
Q: Can I participate in home school sports and activities?
A: YES! Students are encouraged to stay involved in extracurricular activities at their home school, such as sports, pep band, drama, etc.
Q: What is the tuition to attend Vantage?
A: There is NO tuition to attend Vantage. Each program has a fee of $100, which covers the cost of tools, supplies, equipment, and uniforms.
Q: When are applications due at Vantage?
A: Sophomore and junior students who are considering attending Vantage should be aware that the priority application deadline is March 1, 2023. Interested students may complete and submit an online application form. Visit the Vantage website for complete information vantagecareercenter.com
Vantage offers 18 different high school career technical programs. If you have any questions, please talk to your school counselor or call Student Services at Vantage at 419-238-5411 or 1-800-686-3944 ext. 2160. Explore the new and informational Vantage program videos at vantagecareercenter.com, like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @vccstudents and stay informed of upcoming Vantage events and enrollment times!
We invite all students and parents, alumni, community members, as well as associate school staff to join us as we celebrate National Career and Technical Education Month on Monday, February 27, from 5:00 – 7:30 pm. All high school and adult education labs will be open for tours. There will be special student led demonstrations and local employers linked to the program your student is interested in throughout the building. An important Parent Information Session will be held in the Community Room for interested high school students from 6:00 to 6:30 pm designed to answer questions about your student’s career and college opportunities at Vantage. Sophomores should look for an invitation in the mail and bring the postcard to the Open House for a free Vantage t-shirt.
Vantage Adult Education would like to invite any graduating senior and adults looking to further their education or upskill should come to the Vantage Open House for enrollment information. Several grant and scholarship opportunities are available for all programs.
Area restaurants will be onsite at “A Taste of Vantage” for you to sample their food for a minimal cost, with proceeds going to the Vantage Student Activity Fund. We hope you can make it to our Open House, Monday, February 27!