Hear board and CEO updates, meet the new CEO, and $750 in bill credits to be awarded
PAULDING, OH — Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative’s (PPEC) 87th Annual Meeting of Members will be broadcast Saturday, March 18, at 10 am on Facebook, YouTube, and www.PPEC.coop.
PPEC members who watch the video and leave a comment during the live premiere will be entered to win one of fifteen $50 bill credits totaling $750. Members can also register for the drawing by calling PPEC’s office during regular business hours before 4 pm on Friday, March 17.
The business meeting will be about 30 minutes, so viewers are encouraged to tune in at 10 am promptly.
Those who miss the original broadcast can find the recording online at www.ppec.coop/2023AnnualMeeting Bill credit winners will be posted Monday, March 20, on social media and PPEC’s website.
For questions or to learn more, call PPEC’s office at 800-686-2357. The 2022 Annual Report, finances, co-op news and year-in-review can be viewed online. Members can also request a physical copy be mailed to them.
Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative is proud to serve more than 12,900 members in Paulding, Putnam, Defiance, Van Wert, and Allen counties in Ohio, and Adams and Allen counties in Indiana. Since 1935, our not-for-profit model has allowed us to provide affordable, reliable, and safe power to rural areas with pride.