The Antwerp School Board opened their meeting on Thursday, March 23.
Kristine Stuart presented the financial report for the last month.
Income: $904.418.22
Expenses: $766,181.88
Interest: $27,631.82
The school is 67% through the fiscal year and over 70% of received income and 58% of expenditures recognized.
Travis Lichty mentioned that we are now in the 4th quarter. He said 26 sophomore students have signed up for Vantage for next year, but could change. Juniors and seniors will get a 2 hour day on days that they will not have their final testing. The spring arts festival is April 15. Summer school is starting June 3 and go for 2 weeks. The high school musical went very well he said. Two basketball players were recognized: Landon Brewer and Aewyn McMichael. May 21 is graduation.
Tracey Stokes, Elementary Principal, stated Literacy Night was tonight (3/23/23). Book Fair is going on through March 31st. Kindergarten Screening is April 3-5 and parents and caregivers should go to the school website to get registered.
Dr. Miller stated Mr. Miesle has announced his retirement and that position needs to be filled. There is a custodial position also available and hope to be filled at the next meeting.
Harold Gotke stated he is working to get prices on seventy-five (75) computers for high school, 60 for elementary and some more for staff. A server will also be added on to the request. He said the costs will be a little higher this year.
Dr. Miller said Mrs. Boyer gave birth and they congratulated her and her husband. He also announced that the school is looking into putting in a new sidewalk out to the football field. The school board is waiting on approval from Antwerp village council. The Health Fair is also coming up at Paulding County Hospital in mid-April. Western Buckeye meeting will decide on an elementary classroom for the Peacock Center along with Paulding and Wayne Trace.
Lifewise is looking to have a meeting with the superintendent and principal about an arrangement for next year. There is a $20,000 EPA grant that Dr. Miller has applied for and Antwerp is ranked 6th. He will need to be in a zoom meeting next week. Mrs. Harla Long also was recognized as having the most influence upon the Franklin B Walters awardee.
The Antwerp School board also considered and accepted a property tax abatement for Paragon Tempered Glass system who intend on expanding their building at their Antwerp facility.