By: Grace Goyings, Paulding FFA Reporter
On Saturday, April 15th, 2023 the Paulding FFA chapter held its 96th Annual FFA Banquet. Several people attended the banquet including community, alumni, and staff members. There were 370 people who attended the banquet. The theme for this year’s banquet was “Country State of Mind.”
Several awards were given to the community and FFA members at the banquet. Members who met the qualifications to get their Greenhand or Chapter degree received their degrees during the banquet. We also had nine students recognized for getting their state degree, they will receive their certificate & pin at the State FFA Convention in May. Those members are Katelyn Beckman, Kobe Foor, Jamy Hunt, Paige Jones, Tytus Manz, Allyson Merriman, Jocelynn Parrett Janae Pease and Tyler Schlatter. We also had three students who will receive their American degree this year at the National Convention, the highest degree one can earn in FFA. These members include Janae Pease, Sam Woods, and Kyle Mobley. The Blue and Gold Award was awarded to a group of individuals this year to recognize all that they have done to help out the Paulding FFA chapter. This year’s winners were The Hunt Family, Gary Klopfenstein, Gretl Schlatter, and Colton Howell. The Honorary FFA degree was also awarded to these individuals: Stacy McGarvey and Haleigh Noffsinger. Any member who participated in a CDE (career development event) throughout the year received a certificate and pin for their jacket for their outstanding work. Star awards were handed out to a select few students from each grade who showed leadership not only in the classroom but also in their community and through FFA programs and activities. Addison Hunt received the star Greenhand, Jalyn Klopfenstein and Brooke Kilgore received the star Chapter farmer, Mason Schlatter received the star 4th year member, Carter Manz received the Quiet leader award, Tyler Schlatter received the star in Agribusiness, Kobe Foor received the star in Community Service, and Jamy Hunt received the star 3rd year member as well as the Ag Credit 110% award. The Paulding FFA Alumni awarded scholarships to Paige Jones, Katelyn Beckman, Carter Manz, and Caydence Rue for their outstanding leadership and the influence that they have made on the Paulding FFA chapter.
Chapter President, Mason Schlatter gave a very inspirational speech encouraging members to step out of their comfort zone and find their interest in FFA. And finally, it was time for the installation of the new officers. The 2023-2024 officers are as follows: President- Jamy Hunt, Vice president- Kobe Foor, Secretary- Jalyn Klopfenstein, Treasurer- Tyler Schlatter, Reporter- Grace Goyings, Sentinel- Addy Hunt, Student advisor- Brooklyn Schlatter, Parliamentarian- Brooke Kilgore, and Chaplin- Tytus Manz.