“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!”
— Matt
Celebrate the Fourth with Americans
I have many memories of growing up and watching the fireworks for the Fourth of July while straining my neck upwards while sitting on a blanket in the grass. It always seemed like the pyrotechnics crew each year knew how to lead us to believe it was over, to then put on yet another grand finale. I remember years when it was uncertain if the fireworks could even go off with rain or thunder showers forecast to arrive at the wrong time.
When you live overseas, you want to celebrate those important patriotic days with others who can appreciate their importance. In our first location overseas, it was with no small amount of excitement that we discovered the city had an American Club. The Club would be celebrating the Fourth of July, and we were excited to attend their event.

We arrived to a large restaurant which had an expansive patio area that was to be the place of the celebration. As we began to talk with people, we realized that none of the attendees had any recognizable American accents – not southerners, West Coast, East coast, etc. None of them were Americans. I asked one of the officials of the American Club about where the Americans were. He said they had not had Americans in the club for decades. Americans had founded the club generations before, but it had progressively become an English-speaking club.
As we sat down at large tables for the meal, a man started singing American pop songs in English, but with a very thick German accent as he played on a small digital keyboard. Interrupting the music, a very meager fireworks show began. A Canadian woman across the table said to her British husband, “Why those are quite nice! Why are they doing fireworks?” He replied, “Why dear, those are for the Yanks’ Fourth of July holiday!” It was not possible to sneak out of that very disappointing event, so we stayed through the meal and the German singer performing American pop songs.
I know rain or thunder showers can put a real damper on a Fourth of July celebration, but if given the option, always pick bad weather over the wrong people when celebrating Independence Day.
Something similar ever happen to you? Contact me and let me hear your story!
Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN 46741