Ohio 4-H youth development will be one of the first 4-H programs in the nation to offer high school students a work ethic certification.
Designed by Mike Rowe, best known as the host of television’s Dirty Jobs, the work ethic curriculum will be offered under the Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future initiative. Ohio high schoolers will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude when it comes to future employment.
“In 2008, Mike Rowe saw a need to connect with a skilled workforce and offer youth the opportunity to engage with the demand for a career in the trades,” said Margo Overholt-Seckel, program manager, Ohio 4-H Workforce Development and Pathways. “His foundation created the MRW Work Ethic Certification.”
Four Ohio 4-H professionals completed the training and can now offer the work ethic curriculum. Several other 4-H and community development Extension educators and professionals in the process of completing the training.
Students who complete the program will receive a nationwide industry credential that demonstrates their ability to be an asset in the workplace.
Currently, the certification will be offered to students virtually every Monday and Wednesday, Sept. 18–Oct. 4, from 4:30–6:30 p.m. Learn more and register at go.osu.edu/mrwworkethic.
“As more Ohio State University Extension personnel become certified facilitators, we will also offer in-person trainings. Stay tuned,” said Overholt-Seckel.
The Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future initiative partnered with mikroweWORKS Foundation, the Charles Koch Foundation, Koch Industries, and Wichita State University Tech to offer the certification program.
Ohio 4-H is the youth development program of OSU Extension, the outreach program of The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.