On September 1, an employee of a local business reported being harassed at work. The individual was contacted and told to no longer have any contact with the employee.
On September 2, a resident reported a broken fire hydrant and the officer contacted the village utilities department.
On September 2, a resident saw a mailbox hit on Erie St and reported the hit and run. The officer located the vehicle and individual and an accident report was prepared.
On September 3, the Family Dollar store reported a theft. The case was investigated, cameras were inspected, and charges were brought against a resident of South Main St.
On September 5, a resident of the North Garden Apartments reported that she believed that her apartment had been bugged and there were strange things going on around her apartment.
On September 6, a vehicle was stopped in the Antwerp School parking lot. The driver was cited for driving under suspension.
On September 6, a vehicle was stopped on Water Plant Dr. The driver was cited for no driver’s license. The vehicle was towed away.
On September 7, a resident of Main St. was assisted with unlocking her vehicle.
On September 8, a resident of the village reported that their juvenile child had been harassed at the Hicksville Football Field. The officer referred the caller to the Hicksville PD.
On September 9, a resident of Erie St reported a neighbor was causing problems and was charged with disorderly conduct and charges were forwarded to the prosecutor.
On September 9, a village resident reported that several items belonging to the individual were damaged by a person. A report was forwarded to the prosecutor for charges.
On September 10, a resident of Madison St. reported that a truck was parked on his property. The officer located the owner of the vehicle and the truck was removed.
On September 10, the Antwerp Police were contacted for a domestic dispute. An adult female was arrested and transported to the jail for domestic violence.
On September 11, the police were called to a residence with an individual threatening suicide. The officer helped the family with getting the individual to the Promedica Hospital in Defiance.
On September 11, the Antwerp School requested the delivery of a message on S. Main St. The message was delivered.
On September 12, the Antwerp PD assisted an individual with retrieving belongings from a residence with an order from the courts.
On September 13, an individual reported that he found rims and tires on CR424 that he believed belonged to him. After investigating it was found his ex-girlfriend sold them at a garage sale.
On September 13, a resident of Wilcox St. reported trespassing.
On September 13, a resident of Canal St. reported that she was getting unwanted texts from a person. The person was contacted and told not to send anymore messages.
On September 13, a resident reported that she was being harassed by a neighbor on Facebook.
On September 13, a resident of Bryan, OH reported he had been storing his belongings on Main St. The owner had cleaned out the shed and put the belongings by the road.
If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!