Experience the magic of the holidays in Trans-Siberian-Orchestra style as Siberian Solstice comes to Paulding for the first time to present a musical Christmas concert at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2023.
The performance will be a fundraiser for the Caring & Sharing Food Pantry Building Fund. The concert will be held at the St. Paul Lutheran Church, 601 Flatrock Drive. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Before the show, enjoy hot and cold hors d’oeuvres and refreshments, and see the many baskets, gifts and items that will be raffled. Admission is by free-will donation.
The Caring & Sharing Food Pantry is building a new facility at 318 North Walnut in Paulding to better serve the county and its people. The money raised at this concert will cover any remaining construction expenses for the new building as well as internal finishings and market furnishings. It will also help jumpstart the funding for a the future installation of a walk-in cooler and freezer.
Siberian Solstice is a 10-members touring group that reproduces the TSO style performance. The members from northwest Ohio include founding member Dave Coonrod on bass, Dave Deal and Isaac Cox on keyboards, Chuck Mauk on percussion, Jamie Blank as narrator, Garnet McGladdery on guitar and vocals, Kevin Peters on guitar and Mary Jackson, Tina Mae, Rebecca Mansel and Jennifer Plante on vocals. All are accomplished musicians with extensive recording and performance experience. For more information, visit siberiansolstice.com/.
Follow the Caring & Sharing Food Pantry on Facebook at www.facebook.com/caringsharingfoodpantry. Or for more information, contact the pantry at (419) 399-9562 or pauldingfoodpantry@gmail.com.