Christmas in the Library is a free festival sponsored by Christ Child Festival and held at ACPL-Main, 990 Library Plaza in Fort Wayne. Discover the invisible Crimson Thread woven throughout the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation.
Attending the Downtown Night of Lights? We invite you to come November 22nd, Thanksgiving Eve, for a short walk-through rooms A, B, and C on the first floor of the library between 3:00-8:00 p.m. or to unwind for a few minutes while out shopping on the Day after Thanksgiving. Open 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Featured will be:

• 7 Beautiful displays with a coordinated craft for families to work with the child who is significant in your life to add the final touches before placing the craft in a bag to take home. (Some materials are durable enough to use Christmas ornaments for years to come.)
• One of the crafts will be to make a gift bag from the beautiful used Christmas cards that have been collected from our community. You select the paired cards to customize your bag.
• An opportunity to gift others without expending funds: bring your used shoes in good condition to be cleaned and recycled by Changing Footprints and distributed to the needy
• Enjoy listening to our stuffed bears sing the anthem of the military branch they represent while you write a note to a veteran.
• A drawing every ½ hour for selecting a book by a popular author (need to be present to make your selection).
• Grand drawing at 4:00 p.m. on 24th (winner will be notified by email to have 2 tickets to the Creation Museum mailed).
• 40-page booklet written by Suzie Sallee in 4-line rhyming style which can be previewed at LHM.ORG/KIDS.
• Adults are welcome without a child to accompany but it seems like a wonderful way to enrich a child’s life while building a memory for both of you!
ChristChildFest.org, Facebook.com/CCFestival, Christmasintheparkfw@gmail.com