Ann’s Bright Beginnings preschoolers and school agers all participated in the Great Apple Crunch in October. We tasted three kinds of local apples and voted on which one we liked the best! We joined crunchers from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa and Ohio in celebrating! Our votes determined that we liked red Gala apples the best! Shown here are some of our school agers crunching on their apples: Wyatt Wilhelm, Garrett Wilhelm, Savannah Coil, Everett Wilhelm and Eli Hernandez.

Ann’s Bright Beginnings preschoolers recently spent two days making turkey headbands and vests. They are all ready and decked out for their Thanksgiving feasts at home. Shown here in their turkey finery are from left: Brynleigh Adams, Lakelynn Sauber, Mateo Ash, and Van Snyder.