Last night I heard a new song that is a life-changing. It is a theme I’ve heard before and it carries a message that has happened before and probably will happen again.
I am trying a new project. Doesn’t seem to be working out yet, but it will be sometime before I know the outcome. I have always felt that when we try something new we must go ahead and try.
We never know if it is going to work out but the only way we will know is to try. If it doesn’t work out we will have the satisfaction of knowing we tried. If it does work out, it will be much easier the second, or the third time, because of the experience we’ve gained from the first time.
However after we have invested much time and money it’s hard to know when to quit. In the song, “The Boxer,” he moves to New York City to try to establish himself as a boxer. He keeps getting beat up repeatedly, but he just can’t seem to quit. He tells himself he is leaving, but he just can’t bring himself to do it.
“Every glove that cut him till he cried out In his anger and his shame “I am leaving, I am leaving But the boxer still remains””
It is hard to know when to quit and cut our losses but there comes a time when we have to, whether it is in business, our personal life, or our many endeavors. In the case of the cowboy riding away, it is a failed relationship. They have tried over and over to mend it and it has failed. There comes a time when it is time for the cowboy to ride away.
“I knew the stakes were high right from the start. When she dealt the cards, I dealt my heart. As the credits roll, a sad song starts to play. And this is where the cowboy rides away.”
We all have many things which become a tradition, we do them so many times that they seem to be part of us, but they will all come to an end eventually. You go to Florida every winter but there comes a time when it is the last trip. You vow to your mate, “till death do us part,” and this also shall come to pass. It is always difficult to accept, but the end will come.
Let’s find something new, give it our best shot, and if it doesn’t work we’ll have to walk away. They’ll probably be some losses, and it might be better to cut our losses while we can, rather than keep on losing.
PS, Permit me my $.02 worth. I have found West Bend Printing, to to be honest in their dealing a very professional. Ran across their website and it is very well done.
—James Neuhousesr