I have difficulty with a verse by verse study of the Bible. I like to look for the story it is trying to portray. We might need to read the book several times, perhaps in one sitting. James repeats the main topics. Let’s give this a try and take a look at the entire book of James. (Amplified Bible)
1. Patience; 1:2-4, 1:12-15, 5:7-12
Consider it joyful, when you encounter trials or fall into temptations. Trials will prove your faith and bring out endurance, and steadfastness, and patience. Test into testimony.
This seems like a difficult thing to do. When we suffer tragedy, it is hard, if not impossible to rejoice in it. We have to believe that this will strengthen our faith. Life is difficult but we must believe that this will strengthen our endurance and patience.
2. Being rich (Wealthy);
1:9-11, 2:2-9, 5:1-6
You’ll notice the technique of repeating a topic. Reputation can be a great way to teach something. What can I say about being rich? I don’t think I have that problem, but in our country we do have an abundance. The Bible says a great deal about economic discrimination but there is no discussion about racial discrimination that I have found. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Bible says a rich man comes into your assembly and you take him down in front and fuss over him, and a poor man comes in and you tell him to sit in back and pay no attention to him. Often we say to the poor it is their fault, and it may be, but we must treat them with respect. And then there are the benevolent rich. The owner of Hobby Lobby, will probably give away every penny ever made.
V1:9, Let the brother in humble circumstances glory at being an heir of God. And the rich person in being humbled, because like the flower in the field, he will pass away.
3. Be a doer, 1:21-27, 2:14-27
You must have faith first, then works will follow. This seems like a difficult task, but you must have both to be a strong Christian.
4. Watch your tongue! 1:26-27, 3:1-12
Is there one among us who has not said something and then wished you had never said it. The tongue is a powerful instrument and can cut deeply, leaving deep scars. You must be constantly vigilant in what you say. I have often thought if I would write down everything I say before I say it… Something I just noticed today.
1:19 quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to take offense. Wow, do we have thin skin? There are always two sides.
5. Wisdom 1;5-8, 3:13-18
One of the great topics of the Bible. Do we ask God for wisdom? I am not sure what a man would look like if he would be wise.
V5. If any of you lack wisdom, ask God and he will give it to you abundantly without reproach.
6. In two instances chapter 2 repeats chapter 1. 1:9-11=2:1-14; 1:21-27=3:13-18
This is only a beginning study. Even if you wish to study verse by verse that is fine, and you will notice the repetition. It is a short book and you can read it a half dozen times, each in a single setting, before you start the study.
—James Neuhouser