By: Elizabeth Bok
Fairview FFA held their annual Pancake Breakfast on February 24th, from 8-11 am. A great deal of preparation and work had been put into this event. This event is run entirely by the chapter members. Many businesses and families generously donated silent auction items and funding for food supplies.

The chapter used 120 pounds of sausage, and 45 dozen eggs, 60lbs of hashbrowns, and a great amount of pancake mix for the breakfast. In the cafeteria photo boards of various events over the past year that the chapter has participated in were displayed. The silent auction was set up outside of the cafeteria for people to look at and bid on.
The chapter worked very hard to make the event run smoothly and enjoyable for the community members. The turnout was very good, with over 280 people attending the breakfast. The money raised from this event was enough to send 25 FFA Members to the Ohio FFA Convention in May. All of the room and registration expenses will be paid for all 25 of the members, from the breakfast profits.