Would you like to go deeper in your worship to our Lord? This free conference will help. We will have four women of God speaking from their hearts on the subjects of Worship In Song, Worship in the Family, Worship in the Arts, and Worship in the Spirit. The conference is April 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Branch Christian Fellowship, 109 N Main Street, Paulding. Child care will be available. Come for a refreshing time of fellowship and worship.

Cris Trimble will be leading us in some worship and speaking on Worship in Song. Here is her bio.
“Out of all the roles I have as a young woman, my favorite one is daughter of the Almighty God! My life’s pursuit is to exist fully abandoned to Him; discontent for anything less. Outside of serving my family & my local church, New Day Life Ministries International, I love to gather with the Bride at large to minister to the Lord and to one another. I’m a singer & songwriter, and spontaneous worship is my jammm!”

Julie Burk will be speaking on Worship in the Family.
For 22 years, Julie Burk has been married to her husband, Eric, who four years ago became a pastor. Together, they have two amazing teenage daughters and have dedicated their lives to serving others.
Julie’s commitment to teen ministry spans over 16 years, culminating in the founding of the Portal 2:20 Teen Center, a non-profit organization in Van Wert, Ohio. When she’s not leading the center or spending time with family, she enjoys sewing, crafting, and attending makers markets. In addition to volunteering at Crestview Bible house and being part of the band parents board, Julie dedicates her time as youth leader and church volunteer with her family at Living Truth Ministries.

Beth Bayliff will be sharing on Worship in the Spirit.
Elizabeth “Beth” Bayliff is a worshiping, warring, Word woman and servant of God, whose deep love for Him as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – the fullness, comes from her passionate, authentic, and intentional lifestyle where her work is her worship and her worship is her work, because it’s all as unto Him who’s worthy. Living in Lima most of her life and married to Greg for 32 years, she looks forward to time with their two adult daughters, extended family, the family of God, and friends. Great expectation is stirring for all God is doing, and will do, as she/they pursue their eternal purpose in Him, and His kingdom agenda on earth as it is in heaven, in their lives, the ministries they are a part of, and lives of those He divinely connects them with.

Melissa Tackett will be sharing Worship in the Arts.
“I’ve attended Branch Christian Fellowship for 9 years. I’ve had the opportunity and have greatly enjoyed serving our church in various ways whether it be nursery, children’s church, youth or worship tech. Helping with the kids Christmas program is something I look forward to every year! I’m a wife to my wonderfully talented husband Justin, who has been leading worship for most of his life. I’m also a mother to two awesome kiddos who keep our lives extra busy!”