March 10, Antwerp Police Department was contacted with a request to assist Ohio State Highway Patrol with blocking off the east bound traffic at the overpass on 49.
March 15, Antwerp Police Department received a request to do a welfare check. It was determined that the individual did not live in Antwerp but in Van Wert.
March 15, Antwerp Police Department was contacted in reference to a resident who had locked themselves out of their home on Maple Dr. An officer responded and assisted.
March 15, Antwerp Police Department assisted the Paulding County Sheriff Department in attempting to locate an individual that had a warrant for their arrest.
March 16, Antwerp Police Department assisted the Antwerp EMS at a resident on Canal St
March 17, A report of theft from Dollar General. An officer responded, located the suspect and forwarded the report to the prosecutor.
March 22, A report of criminal damaging to a vehicle was reported at North Garden Apartments
March 23, Antwerp Police Department was contacted in reference to a missing juvenile from the county. Officer assisted in attempting to located the juvenile.
March 23, Officer received a report of a motor vehicle accident on Erie St. Officer responded and prepared a report.
March 23, Motor vehicle accident was reported at the intersection of Main and Woodcox. An officer responded and prepared a report.
If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!