Four year old Lynnora was crowned as Totally Nostalgic Supreme (one of the higher titles of pageant) at the recent Barbie vs Lisa Frank Pageant that took place in Whitehouse, Ohio on April 20, 2024. She also earned the People’s Choice Award, Best Dressed, and Prestige VIP. Lynnora earned a total of four crowns and a 6 foot trophy. She had a total of 315.9 points (just 5 points shy of the highest score of the pageant out of 24 contestants!). Over 1000 items were collected for the Fayette Regional Humane Society.
Lynnora is coached by Sydney Gilbert from Crowned to Perfection who was also Miss MAG (Miss American Girl) Ohio. They are working on her next move within Pageantry which will be bigger and better! Her parents are Brittany Kutzli (Antwerp, OH) and Tyler Rohrs (Paulding, OH), and grandparents are Thomas Rothenbuhler and Amy Kutzli (both of Antwerp, OH), and Jon and Darla Rohrs (Paulding, OH).