The congregation of the Ekklesia in Harlan will begin a yearlong celebration of its 10th anniversary on May 5, 2024. The church is located at 12616 Spencerville Road, Harlan, in what was the former Harlan Elementary School. The church is known by its unusual name “THE EKKELSIA IN HARLAN” which is taken from the Greek language used in the Bible. The word “Ekklesia” translates as ‘church or assembly’. When asked about the unusual name the Senior Pastor, Lael Barkman, commented, “We wanted to stimulate curiosity in the community as we moved into our current campus”. Making the move 10 years ago has opened many opportunities for daily ministry. The facility has the largest Christian childcare program in the area called Raise Up for Christ. This ministry helps working families have a safe place for their children while they are at work and that reinforces family and Christian values. The building has been renamed the Christian Community Center of Harlan and is used to accommodate other wholesome events like weddings, receptions, a community “garage sale”, auctions, family rentals for birthdays and holiday events, conferences and even inter-denominational basketball and football programs. The Ekklesia uses the gymnasium as its worship facility on Sunday morning.
The first of several planned anniversary events will begin with a kickoff rally featuring the Chitan Family Singers. This multitalented family of five hails from Toronto, Canada. They are known for their sweet harmonies as well as their proficiency in a variety of musical instruments. They have shared stages with notable gospel greats such as Bill Gaither, Lynda Randle, The Collingsworth Family, and Karen Peck and New River. They range in ages from 15 to 23 and are a wonderful role model for Christian youth. Their musical ministry is wide reaching with the sounds of Southern Gospel, contemporary Christian, as well as Caribbean rhythms, mixed with traditional hymn arrangements to stir the heart and inspire all ages.
The community is invited to join the congregation at 10:00 AM, Sunday, May 5, for their regular services with guest evangelist Rev. Jim Calhoun and the Chitan Family Singers. (Use door #8). This service will be followed by a luncheon served in the cafeteria. At 2:30 PM a concert with the wonderful artistry of the Chitan’s will finish of the day. All are welcome to attend. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend all of the day’s events.