By: Bryce Steiner
The April Antwerp School Board meeting took place on April 23 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting began with Superintendent Dr. Marty Miller announcing the guests at the meeting. APT Manufacturing made a $5,000 donation to the Innovation Center and Kyle Zartman gave a presentation of what will be added to the science center to bring about automation education to the schools. APT is a company in Hicksville that has been making a significant contribution to the food automation industry.
Board President Sara Schuette asked for an approval of the minutes of the previous board meeting. Bob Herber, as the state liaison, stated that proposed Senate Bill 208 would allow a military family move in and could be placed in a school district even if that school’s quotas have been reached. Dennis Recker, Vantage Board, stated there was an all board dinner, but he wasn’t able to make it to the meeting. He also said Vantage is expanding the fire facility and truck driving class.
Kristine Stuart presented the financial report for the month of March:
income: 1,661,788.47
expenses: 1,372,958.27
interest: 47,468.74
The school is 75% through the fiscal year. Recker stated that the revenue over the past year or so seems to have increased. Stuart explained why the funding changed at the state level and how it has benefited schools with needs.
Travis Lichty, HS Principal, gave his end of year report. He mentioned prom and the juniors finally were able to go on their eighth grade class trip that was missed due to the school year disruptions of the pandemic. The sixth graders went to McMillan Health Center. Mrs. Hammer has the sixth grade schedules out for next school year. Second week of May will begin the post season spring sports. The blood drive went so well that the school will be offering a $250 scholarship. He mentioned that spring sports schedules have been messed up this year because of the weather. Testing has been going well. Prom and after-prom are coming up. The senior awards night is on May 8. Graduation day is May 19 at 2:00 p.m. Sara Schuette will be handing out the diplomas
Traci Stokes, Elementary Principal, reported that kids have been bringing in things for the art gallery. There are quite a few end of year field trips happening – from the Spangler museum, to the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo.
Dr. Marty Miller, gave the superintendent’s report. He said that we are still looking for a new elementary principal. There was an executive session following the meeting. Jessie Arnold will be replacing Travis Lichty as high school principal. There is a growing need for a female wrestling coach for the female athletes. Lichty has been working with the GMC to try and get these responsibilities set. The age range for kindergarteners has been set with turning age 5 by September 30th for this next school year.
Building and Grounds update – the sports complex building is getting closer to completion. The astroturf will be coming on April 24. A 40’ netting is being considered to help stop the balls crossing between fields and games. The D-wing will be completed this summer by Friend’s Flooring. New gym lights to be replaced since so many have gone out.
Harold Gottke said this was a big purchase year for computers, while several of the board members gasped at the price. Gottke said he’s working to procure both Dell and Acer computers to save money. The fiber boring project is complete to the new building, but the fiber will be installed after the testing season so there wouldn’t be any disruptions.
Jennifer Snyder was introduced by Dr. Miller. Snyder said the third day of screening just finished. 39 kids were screened from the area. Seven were sent on for closer exam. The day before the spring break was preschool review day. There were two inspectors and they checked over the license. There was no corrective action necessary. The school received a five-star banner. Next year, the ratings will change and Antwerp will be “gold”. Finding a licensed intervention specialist has been difficult. This is necessary due to supporting areas where the school may be lacking. The school is working with Western Buckeye to fill this position.
The school buses passed state inspection once again.
Lifewise Academy has been utilized by sixth grade students this school year, and will be expanded to 3, 4, 5 and 7th grade this next school year. The NEOLA update has the fewest changes this year.