Hands of Hope Pregnancy Services hosted Pam Stenzel at the Paulding HS/MS auditeria on Wednesday night, April 17. Pam talked about sexual integrity, choices, worth, and health. There was a crowd of about 50 teens and many adults as well. Many who came commented that she was very inspiring and she educated them on various issues.
One topic that Pam talked about was the STI/STD rates, and how common they are. Many are asymptomatic, yet cause detrimental effects to the body later on in life.
Some of the adults mentioned that the kids were so respectful during the talk, and were not on their phones. Many kids made a point to meet her afterwards, which touched Pam. We have a lot of hope for this next generation!
This event was so well received, who knows where this will lead. If you would like to listen to one of Pam’s talks, you can look her up on YouTube – Pam Stenzel Major Speaker Program. Pam delivers both faith-based messages and public school version messages which promote abstinence until marriage.