James B. Sherwood V, son of James and Tessie Sherwood IV, of Woodburn Indiana was Awarded the Rank of Eagle Scout on March 14, 2024.
James started his scouting career as a Cub Scout in Pack 3049 at Leo United Methodist Church in 2013.
This is where he learned that he enjoyed scouting activities like fire building, camping, knife safety and even cooking.
He then joined Troop 2 in 2017 earning 36 Merit Badges.
He enjoys working at the Haunted Castle and Black Forest every year with his friends.
He has participated in countless campouts, multiple service projects and has helped train younger scouts.
He attended Camp Chief Little Turtle for 9 years learning countless scouting skills such as gun safety, welding and pioneering.
Although the best thing about Scouting is making lifelong friends with fellow scouts and staff.
He held leadership positions including Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Instructor.
James is also in the BSA Ventures Crew 2802 and serves as Vice President. One of James’ favorite things to do with the Ventures is the Ski trips, especially Winter Park.
James did his Eagle Scout Project for the Land Acre Trust at Blue Cast Springs.
His project was designing and building 4- 25 ft bridges that are 6 ft wide. The bridges will combat widening trails due to people walking around the wet areas.
This will ensure the protection of the wildlife that is on the Preserve.
James coordinated all the donations and the multiple volunteers that arrived to help with his project.
He will be graduating from Antwerp High School and was inducted into the National Society of High School Scholars as a Gifted Student.
James will be attending Purdue as an Honor student in the Engineering Program.