Bryan, WT win Antwerp Invite

Antwerp Junior Kayden Winslow starts the Archers off in a good position in the 400 meter relay. More pictures at

The Antwerp Track Invitational was held Friday evening at Archer Field with the Bryan boys and Wayne Trace girls taking home team championships.

The Golden Bears rolled to the boys title with 177 points while Wayne Trace finished second at 118 and Antwerp placed third with 69. Edon (67), Swanton (59), Fairview (41) and Delphos Jefferson 34) completed the schools participating.

Bryan’s Drew Hahn was a triple winner at the meet, capturing titles in the 100 dash (11.22), 200 dash (23.38) and long jump (19-3-1/2). Wayne Trace’s Luke Stouffer picked up two titles as well, placing first in the discus with a toss of 147-8 while winning the shot put with a school record toss of 60-0.

Wayne Trace’s Reece Olwin gets a jump on the competition in the hurdles event. More pictures at

Also picking up first place finishers were Bryan’s Spencer Woodward (400 dash, 50.68), Wayne Trace’s Cole Morehead (800 run, 2:03.56), Bryan’s Xander Fackler (1600 run, 4:43.93), Delphos Jefferson’s Logan Miller (pole vault, 10-6), Bryan’s Brayden Buchanan (3200 run, 10:38.10), Edon’s Eli Dickman (110 hurdles, 16.62), Bryan’s Anthony Tomaszewski (300 hurdles, 42.78) and Wayne Trace’s Hudson Myers (high jump, 5-6).

The Delphos Jefferson squad of Karder Agner, Jace Lindeman, Dean Trentman and Boston Reynolds won the 400 relay (45.52) while the Swanton team of Jalen Carrizales, Seth Carman, Shawn McGary and Riley Wilson captured the 800 relay (1:38.06).

Antwerp’s foursome of Carson Altimus, Dayne Sholl, Tavin Sholl and Kayden Winslow placed first in the 1600 relay (3:31.83) with the Bryan quartet of Spencer Woodward, Braydon Buchanan, Elijah Cummins and Xander Fackler taking first in the 3200 relay (8:31.96).

In the girls portion, the Lady Raiders won the championship with 115 points to slip past second place Bryan (110-5/6) and third place Fairview (108-5/6). Rounding out the field were Swanton (85), Edon (47-5/6), Delphos Jefferson (45-1/2) and Antwerp (45).

Delphos Jefferson’s Nakiyah Kimmett was a double winner after capturing both the 100 dash (12.74) and 200 dash (26.93) with Fairview’s Kenna Kauffman taking the titles in the 100 hurdles (17.66) and 300 hurdles (50.87).

Antwerp freshman Ava Coney is up for throwing in the shot put event. More pictures at

Other individual winners on the night included Wayne Trace’s Caroline Winans (400 dash, 1:01.41), Bryan’s Mariah Smith (800 run, 2:28.93), Fairview’s Chloe Panico (1600 run, 5:47.40), Antwerp’s Leigha Doster (3200 run, 13:56.28), Swanton’s Peighton Manning (high jump, 4-8), Wayne Trace’s Miley Jacobs (pole vault, 9-0), Swanton’s Audrey Robinson (long jump, 14-10-1/2), Wayne Trace’s Kathleen Stoller (shot put, 32-5) and Fairview’s Emma Zeedyk (discus, 87-1).

Delphos Jefferson’s quartet of Nepthalie Miller, Brooklyn Wallace, Kimmett and Chelsie Brotherwood won the 400 relay (52.65) while the Fairview group of Aubrey Hammer, Kelly Crites, Abby Smith and Leviah Hull captured the 800 relay (1:53.02).

Wayne Trace’s foursome of Careen Winans, Madison Gurney, Bethany Miller and Caroline Winans was victorious in the 1600 relay (4:15.15) and Bryan’s foursome of Smith, Kate Thormeier, Ava Zimmerman and Nicolette Stickney took first in the 3200 relay (10:19.50).