Penny For Your Thoughts by: Nancy Whitaker 

They usually say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, in today’s world we live in it’s customary to grab a Pop Tart or a protein bar and go.

I love my coffee in the morning and oh how coffee pots have changed. Grandma had one that  she set on the stove and it was an old percolator. 

Then along came electric percolators which was nice too.

Next we got coffee pots that you could put a filter in it and filled  with ground coffee and then poured water into the coffee pot.

You could just get up in the morning and hit a button, if you got the pot ready the night before.

Then here comes the Keurig machine which took little coffee pods and makes one cup at a time. 

There are many flavors of coffee, coffee creamers and even pods of different teas that can be made in a Keurig coffee pot. 

I think I have drank coffee most of my life. I think I even had it in my baby bottle. (Of course I had milk and sugar in it.)

Now though, no cream or sugar for me, just plain black coffee. (Oh and a cream filled donut)

When growing up and living in the country we had an Omar Man. He would stop maybe once a week and he sold the best French Cream coffee cakes.

There was also milk men, ice men, coal men, Watkins and Stanley who would deliver their wares to our doors.

Speaking of food, there are a lot of things that have been around for many years. (So all is not new) The Baby Ruth bar and Wonder Bread were both invented in 1920, Popsicles came out in 1924, Hostess cakes and Kool-Aid were products of 1927 and Velveeta cheese was introduced in 1928.

As prices go up in the grocery stores people are seeing they are getting less food for more money. The same is true for restaurants. McDonalds hamburgers are lots more than .25 cents now. 

Years ago it was a big treat to stop at McDonald’s on our way home from Ft. Wayne and get a hamburger and fries. And I am still a McDonalds fan and love their food.

It is nice to go out and eat instead of cooking every night. Going out to eat is not just for special occasions anymore. There are some people who go out for breakfast and to “shoot. the breeze” at local coffee shops. Lots of problems have been solved over a cup of coffee.

I remember as a kid going to church on Sundays and then going to a church member’s house for a carry  in lunch. Since I was young and so short, i stood on my  tip toes to view things like fried chicken, mashed potatoes, salads and cake or pie. 

My favorite thing to see and eat was an angel food cake  slathered with chocolate frosting. I would stand as high as I could and stick my finger in that frosting without anyone looking. It was so good!

My Grandma, grandpa and Mom went to church in Defiance. We used to go through Paulding on the way home and drive by a couple of restaurants.

Even though it was 8-9 pm my little brother would say, “Hey Pa pa.” Grandpa replied “What Jimmy?”

Little brother Jimmy would say, “Pa pa I want a cheese boogey” Most of the time we stopped and enjoyed the treat.

Many popular fast food restaurants years ago their menus gave customers just a few items to choose from.

Taco Bell’s 1960s menu had five food options for 19 cents each, while Arby’s only sold roast beef sandwiches and drinks when it opened in 1964 

Some featured items that no longer exist, that fell by the wayside, were McDonald’s potato chips, which were replaced with french fries.

Oh I could talk about food forever because cooking, eating and my kitchen is where I find peace and also fill my belly. 

Do you remember any prices at restaurants from years ago? What is your favorite food? Do you like to cook? What are you having for supper? Let me know and I’ll give you a Penny For Your Thoughts but first I want to go get me a cheese boogey.