Steele & Manz Named READ On! Ohio Award for Children & Teens 

Leon Steele

At its upcoming statewide Conference and Awards Celebration, the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), Ohio’s professional association for K-12 school librarians, will recognize the recipients of the 2024 READ On! Ohio Award for Children & Teens. The award celebrates enthusiastic readers nominated by school and public librarians in the following categories: primary (K-2); intermediate (3-5); middle (6-8); and high (9-12) and regions: SE, SW, NE, and NW. This year marks the ninth year READ On! Ohio has been awarded.

OELMA is pleased to announce that Leon Steele and Allie Manz are recipients of this award.

Susan Deatrick shares, “Leon is an exceptional reader. He will pick out his stack of books to take home and then sit down and start reading.” He frequents the library and Deatrick has seen his reading ability keep getting better and better for his age. Leon likes to participate in the programs and always asks thoughtful questions.

Allie  Manz

Susan Deatrick, Head of Youth Services, shares, “Allie is a good role model for her sisters and helps them find books.” She is a competitor in the library’s Battle of the Books competition. As Ms. Deatrick states, “Allie has a love of reading. As soon as she gets in the library she heads for the ‘What’s New’ section, fills her bag, and then you can find her in the stacks reading before she even checks out.” She attends the library’s programs and gets involved with reading programs, summer and winter.

Congratulations to Leon and Allie and the Paulding County Carnegie Library for cultivating a passion for reading in its young patrons.

Leon and Allie will be recognized at the 2024 OELMA Conference and Awards Ceremony, October 2-4, at OCLC, 6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH.