2024 Antwerp Chamber’s GEM of the Year Award

Antwerp Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Gem of the Year Award every year. The first recorded Antwerp Diamond / Gem of the Year Award was back in 1974 and Nick Daeger was that first recipient. The list of recipients over the past five decades have included local educators, business owners, village officials, local law enforcements and people who live to serve this community they call home.

And those people do not fit into any kind of age bracket either. This year’s GEM of the Year will go down in history as the youngest philanthropist and entrepreneur ever to receive the GEM award. Meet the 2024 Gem, Lofton Alexander Brown. 

Lofton is 11 years old and lives here in Antwerp with his parents, Lorianne and Tim, as well as his brother, Benson. He does his schooling at home and also attends some classes at a private school. With homeschooling, there is flexibility with grade levels and Lofton does mostly 6th grade schoolwork even though his age is more inline with a public school 4th or 5th grader. 

What triggered his nominations for this Award, is that Lofton has a heart for philanthropy as he has facilitated several Bake Sales over the past few years to raise funds to aid in the natural disasters that have happened all around the country. He has raised hundreds of dollars to send to those disaster relief organizations. He has an entrepreneurial spirit as well and has started Something Brave Supply with his father, Tim. The entire family is involved in the business of making special order hats for groups, individuals, organizations and businesses.

Lofton also enjoys being a kid, which is evident by his collection of basketball cards – he has hundreds of them in binders and boxes at his home! He also likes playing music, talking with people, and reading.

When Lofton heard the news that he was selected to be this year’s GEM of the Year, he said he was very happy. He would like to thank everyone for this opportunity to represent Antwerp with this award. “Thank you for supporting me through my bake sales and my hat business, because without you guys none of this would be possible.” Out of the mouths of babes – you got that right Lofton!

His parents couldn’t be more proud of his generous heart. They were surprised when the Chamber contacted them to say Lofton had been chosen as this year’s Gem. Lorianne, Lofton’s mother, commented that they use 1 John 4:19 as a focal point to keep the boys’ thoughts in the right direction: “We love because he first loved us.” To go along with that, his mother stated, “We always try to keep Him the focus. For His glory, and sharing what He has done for us. Lofton genuinely loves people and serving … so it just comes naturally to him.”

On behalf of the Antwerp Chamber of Commerce, congratulations Lofton on being this year’s Gem of the Year.

Lofton will be in Antwerp Days parade on June 1st (10:00 a.m). Antwerp Chamber will present the Award to Lofton at opening ceremony following the parade.