I Am Going To That City …

Where the roses never fade. Listen… I hear Jimmy singing:

“I am going to that City.     

 Where the streets with gold are laid

And the Tree of Life is blooming

Where the roses never fade”

My mind can’t conceive what heaven will be like but I like to think what our life might be like. I think we will know each other, I think we will know everyone. We will visit with Moses. My mate will be my best friend and we will visit each other. The Bible says there will be no marriage, there’ll be no need for that. But I believe there will still be a bond between us.

“Here they broom but for a season

There the roses never fade”

The Bible doesn’t address every little issue but some things make sense to me. I think we’ll all be the same age, around 30 years old. There couldn’t be us old men and fetuses together. I believe we will have boundless energy. We will not sleep or even rest. We will have pure energy. The Bible says we will eat, we will have banquets.

There will be no privies in heaven. Every bit of material that is burned for energy will be pure energy. On earth when material is burned and energy is created, there is always some waste. But in heaven it will be pure energy. God will be the light. Even the sun produces waste has it burns.

“Friends have gone to be with Jesus

In their robes of white array

They are waiting for my coming.  

Where The roses never fade”

I believe our loved ones will know we are coming and will be there waiting for us. I don’t know if the Bible addresses this but I believe it to be true. I feel part of heaven might be here on earth. The Bible talks of a staircase between heaven and earth. It might be the original Garden of Eden. After all if we get rid of the weeds and the pain… We pray Thy kingdom to come to earth. The Tree of Life will be full of delicious fruit and we will eat it. The Tree of Good and Evil will be no more.

I told a friend there will be no dirt in heaven. He said yes there will be trees and plants. I believe the soil will be pure and will not soil anything. The Lord told Adam and Eve to tend the garden so I believe we will garden and probably farm. The tractors will be green.  People have always wondered will there be pets?

“The lion will lie down with the lamb.” Yes there will be animals there. We have all had pets that were dear to us.

I understand that pure gold is transparent. There is no such thing as pure anything on earth so we do not know. In the rivers and lakes we will be able to see the bottom. You’ll be able to drink from the streams. I am wondering if there is a place called Paradise that surrounds heaven before we enter. It will be a perfect place, it will be heaven.

—James Neuhouser