Paulding County Purple Heart Proclamation

Paulding County Purple Heart recipients recognized on June 1, 2024: Dan English, Jonathan Lichty, Vincent Shaffer, Jerry VanCleve, and Bob Bakle

On Saturday Morning, June 1st the John Paulding Historical Society unveiled their latest exhibit and announced their entrance to be a dedicated Purpose Heart Museum, along with the Paulding VFW, Honor Guard and the Veteran’s Service Office. The service opened with John Daeger, Commander of the Paulding VFW, opening the ceremony followed by Dan Wilder singing the National Anthem for the service. Eileen Kochensparger gave the prayer  Melinda Krick, Museum President, read the dedication read the proclamation on behalf of the members and proclaimed that JPHS is now a Purple Heart Museum. 

The unveiled Purple Heart Display. 

Jon Lichty, was the speaker and gave his experiences in Iraq, reminding everyone that freedom is not free. He presented the history of the Purple Heart award since the time of George Washington. John Daeger then asked how many people had received a purple heart and several had. There were many who know those who had make great sacrifices there. Kim Sutton also spoke on the bravery. The 3 volley salute then took place to honor the fallen followed by the playing of Taps.

The plaque mounted on the building was then unveiled to the public.

The new display behind the glass has received quite the attention just as intended by those who made it. The men and women who gave their lives in service to this country were honored by all of those who came and watched. The display is filled with certificates, awards, pictures, and most of all those who donated theirs or their loved one’s Purpose Heart awards.

The new fallen soldier board at the Museum.

Along with the new designation the museum also presented the new fallen soldier display with the names of those who were died during their service to the nation, sent from Paulding County.

This was also the 40th anniversary of the opening of the John Paulding Historical Museum.

June 1st was a special day at the John Paulding Historical Museum also because the Phillips family visited to pay their respects to their ancestor,  George Phillips. 

If you would like to donate Purple Heart commemorations, contact the Museum for assistance.