By: Addy Hunt Paulding FFA Reporter
The Paulding FFA officer team this year consists of President Grace Goyings, Vice President Jalyn Klopfenstein, Secretary Brooklyn Schlatter, Treasurer Brooke Kilgore, Reporter Addy Hunt, Sentinel Tori Schlatter, Student Advisor Blake Rhonehouse, Parliamentarian Johnny Lipps, and Chaplain Myrriah Manz, along with Ag Education Teacher and FFA advisor Mrs. Staci Miller, and FFA advisor Jen Bradford.
On May 28th-30th, the Paulding FFA officer team went to a cabin in Hocking Hills, Ohio for their officer retreat. Officer retreat provides a time for the students to get to know each other and work better as a team. Along with fun activities, during this time, the budget and the yearly calendar are made so the FFA is prepared for the upcoming year.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the team performed many team-building exercises to help strengthen their relationships with each other. On Wednesday, the team also got to go kayaking as a group. They also took some time to develop the Program of Activities (POA) for the year.
The team discussed the goals they had for the chapter and some new ideas to help the chapter grow with their FFA advisors. They were also able to work on new ideas for the National Chapter application, which they hope to implement this year.
On the last day, the team talked about their favorite parts of the retreat and some things they had learned. Then it was time to head back home. The team learned a lot of new skills, bonded during this trip, and are ready for an exciting new year full of Agriculture Education, Career Development Events (CDEs), Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs), community service projects, and FFA!
The officer team would like to thank the Paulding FFA Alumni for supporting the officer retreat.