“Have you ever thought about hiking across the country? What about doing it 3 times in one year?
On June 27th at 12:30, the Paulding County Carnegie Library will be hosting Brandon Weis, author of “This is Gonna Hurt”.
He will be also presenting this program at 3 PM on the same day at the Antwerp Branch Library.
His presentation is about the journey of hiking over 8,000 miles in 2021 on the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and Arizona Trail. This is a challenge in the hiking world known as the Calendar Year Triple Crown. When he set out to do it, only 10 other people had ever done those first 3 trails in one year, and he was the first to ever do those 4 in a single year (normally it takes skilled hikers 5-6 months to do a single one).
For scale, the year entailed Brandon hiking from Georgia to Maine, Mexico to Canada on the west coast, Canada to Mexico through the Rockies, and from Utah to Mexico through Arizona.
Weis camped outside for 327 days in the year, experienced temperatures from 20 below 0 up to 111, got frostbite, encountered bears and wolves, endured foot pain beyond belief, crossed paths with some of the most kindhearted people he has ever met, and much more.
His presentation is essentially a much-condensed version of his book “This is Gonna Hurt.” It is about the logistics of a hike like that, the emotional and physical toll, why someone would want to do it, and everything else under the sun that goes into an adventure like that. It is an adventure for people interested in the outdoors, but it is also an inspirational story of determination, endurance, and achieving goals.
Books will be available at his presentation. We hope you can join us as Brandon shares his adventures!