Trop is headed to Camp Lakota in Defiance for the week-long camp June 16-22 Front: Garrett Robbins. Back Row: Mark Wolf, Al Manella, Brennen Miller, Jackson Cook, Karsen Donat, Waylon Barker, Bryceton Barker, Mark Greenwood. The boys will be working on merit badges in Environmental Science, Emergency Preparedness, Search and Rescue, Swimming, Reptile and Amphibian Study, Pottery, Insect Study, Leatherworking, Geocaching, Rowing, Wood Carving, Fish/Wildlife Management, Art and Wilderness Survival.

April 8 Solar Eclipse at Camp Lakota in Defiance. L-R Waylon Barker, Brennen Miller, Jackson Cook, Garrett Robbins, Mark Greenwood, not pictured Al Manella

Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts placed flags for Memorial Day on the graves of all military servicemen and women at the local cemetery.
Upcoming event: Annual Bad Boys Toys Car Show on July 27. Proceeds benefit the boys attending the high adventure camp.