Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker

I was always told that “Pride goeth before a fall”  I am not much of a bragger, but in this column I am proud and want to tell about The West Bend News and the column I wrote a few weeks ago about Little House on the Prairie being 50 years old.

To me who has been a Little House TV watcher and a book reader I was pleased to hear about the remaining cast members reunion.

The article which is my baby “Penny for Your Thoughts” was  written about a month ago and  told about the various celebrations around the US where you can meet the cast, see Mr. Olsen’s Store and be a part of this Little House celebration.

One day a few weeks ago, Angel from the West Bend called me and said, “We have a package here for you.”

Of course I said “Who is it from?” “What is it?”  I told Angel to go ahead and open it because I was curious.

After opening the package Angel said “ It’s a book from Dean Butler” (Dean happened to play Almanzo Wilder on the TV Show.

The book people and those in charge of the Little House celebration read the West Bend News and Penny For Your Thoughts and I believe the book came from California.  All of you readers should be impressed with how far this Antwerp newspaper does travel.

Kudos to The West Bend News and thanks to The Steiners who publish  the paper, This paper is reaching out to people across the US. 

Also a big thank you to the staff and Mr. Dean Butler for sending me this wonderful book.

By the way the book doesn’t come out in print until the end of June, so I guess I got it “Hot off the Press.” 

We never know where or what is going to happen in our lives, but thanks to  all the cast of Little House, TV watchers and book readers.

 May this 50 years of celebration bring lots of people, laughter and memories.

I would love to go to one of the Little House get togethers, however, I am not much of a traveler. But if you happen to go to one I will give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.  Well I am grabbing a cold tea, my glasses and read some more of this gift of a book.