By: Paulding FFA Reporter, Addison Hunt
This past Tuesday, August 27th, the Paulding FFA Chapter held its first meeting of the 2024-2025 school year. The kickoff meeting included both FFA members and their parents, so they could learn a little more about FFA from the advisors and the officer team. At this meeting, there were over 200 members and parents in attendance along with many FFA Alumni members.
First, everyone enjoyed sausage sandwiches prepared by Alumni members. This year the officers decided to have a more non-traditional meeting to make it more hands-on and exciting. The meeting was arranged into four stations. Two of the stations consisted of officers explaining different CDE’s with hands-on activities, another station went over the calendar with the advisors, and the other station was headed by the Alumni to explain to the parents all the support they give us and how to get involved in the Alumni. They also gave parents and members an opportunity to view our new wall of fame featuring our past State and American FFA degree recipients.
This meeting provided an excellent opportunity for parents and students to better know this year’s officers, advisors, and the program. Overall, the meeting was very successful and the Paulding FFA is ready for the exciting year of FFA events to begin!