A young boy was well liked by his peers, and his parents thought he had real talent. Turned out he like to cook. His brother became sick, which required the full attention of his mother, so he took over the task of cooking for his family. She would tell him the basic outline of what ingredients to use, but he would use his imagination.

He became quite proficient at cooking and everyone seem to like his food. He cooked the white variety of pork, chicken, seafood. He took home again high school and it became embarrassing because he could cook much better than the teacher. Seemed this boy was on his way to becoming a Master chef. But something got in the way. 

He joined the army and found out he was exceptional there where he rose to the highest rank possible, a five-star general. You know I him as the commander of the allied troops in Europe in World War II. After the war he became president of Columbia University and then president of the United States, Dwight David Eisenhower. 

My dad was keenly interested in politics, even though his church believed at that time that you shouldn’t vote. When he passed we found a framed picture of Eisenhower in The upstairs Hall. Eisenhower was the developer of the interstate highway system. He believed that in case of War we needed to get to either coast quickly. When I first drove we would go to Pokagon on lndiana 427, then just a few years later on l-69.

I would like to wax political about that era of time. I believe the first time I voted was the election of 1960. At that time we felt there was corruption in the election. Illinois was a swing state and we believed that Kennedy won because Chicago voted dead people. This was during the mayor daily era when he ruled Chicago. It would take considerable effort to keep the voting rolls and good order. 

Then in 1964 Nixon finally won the presidency, and in 68 he won a second term. I have always wondered if he didn’t get a bad deal by being forced to resign. I’m not sure what Watergate was all about, but in all of the newscasts all you heard was Watergate until you were overcome by it. I felt the judge acted against the law, when he ordered Nixon to turn in his tapes.

According to article 5 of The Constitution, you are not required to provide evidence that might incriminate you. Watching judge Judy, the defendant is not required to provide any evidence. The the evidence is the sole responsibility of the prosecution, and they have the burden of proof. In other words in our country you are innocent until proven guilty.

I guess many things that happen that appear to change history. I know of at least one president that has done some terrible things and was allowed to remain in office, which seemingly no repercussions. I guess I have always felt sorry for Dick and Pat.