As God’s elect, we often find ourselves trying to be everything for everybody, and perhaps we can pull it off for a while but after some time we find that the weight of everyone else’s burdens is too heavy for us to carry. We may even come to realize that excessive emotional and spiritual weight can lead to physical illnesses such as hypertension, kidney failure, anxiety, and depression to name a few. Trying to be everything for everybody as noble as it may be, tends to “err on the side of ego and idolatry. In some circles, the acronym for EGO is EASING GOD OUT. And Idolatry is anything that you place ahead of God. More often than not the things that we put ahead of God tend to be worry, fear, people, and doubt, this too is a form of idolatry. I know how it is when you are anointed and God has blessed you with seemingly unlimited supernatural strength or mania LOL! Either one, out of context can give you a false sense of pleasure, but the scriptural truth is that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10.) We have to be certain that God is the author of our faith. Unless God is in it, it will not stand. Deriving from (Psalms 127:1) God specifically asks us in (Matthew 11:29-30) to take His yolk upon us. why? Because we are not designed or equipped to carry the load. That’s why Jesus died on the cross for you and me. Believe it or not, we are fragile creatures. Jesus Christ has already done the heavy work, carried the load, and won the battle. Therefore, the battle is not ours it’s the Lords. (2 Chronicles 20:15) so I pray that this be your season to learn from Jesus and condition yourself to take His yolk upon you and cast your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you.  (1 Peter 5:7). May God bless you and keep you in perfect peace and love…

—Pastor Dwayne