Penny for your Thoughts

by: Nancy Whitaker

As I sit here looking out my window I see the sun shining brightly and know the temps are to get up in the high 80s today. “Summer is not over yet and there is still some more days that I can shine my rays and warm things up says the bright sun.”

I have never cared for hot weather and yes,  winter is one of my favorite times of the year. There is nothing better than making soup, hot tea, reading a good book and curling up by a nice warm fire. 

Get surprised! I like snow, wind and cold. Brrrrr

Plus the comforts of home.

With my vehicle sitting outside, and even tho we have ac  it’s just way too hot, at least for me. 

Am I a grump or just an old lady who prefers the comforts of home and winter winds and snow?

The other day i had to brave the heat and get gas in my car.   I have never learned how to pump gas and dreaded getting into a hot car. The  ac felt good today so it got cool in the car.

With many many teachers through the years, I still have not captured the knack of pumping gas.  I think I am just too short to see the numbers on the pumps.

I go to a station whose workers know me and pumps my gas for me.

Pulling in I saw the attendant and said, “Hey good-lookin’, where have you been? Then knowing I needed gas I said “fill ‘er up.” 

I pulled up by a gas tank and gave the guy my card. However, it was so warm  out, I left my car and ac running. I mean, I saw other people pumping their gas with the motor running, so why couldn’t I? The attendant ran my card through and when he turned to pump the gas, my gas cap would not budge. I have a switch on the inside I push and it is supposed to open by itself. I had pushed the switch and so after it would not open, I continued to flip the switch to no avail. I told him, “I bet the heat got to it.”

The poor guy then got out a screw driver and tried to open the gas cap and it just was not about to open. He said, “Well I am not sure what to do. I really don’t want to scratch up your car by prying it off.” So, he decided to go inside and get another tool. I sat there praying, “God please let it open, I really need gas, I really need to run errands,”

After sitting a few more minutes I thought, “Well it is beginning to cool off in here, so I may as well shut off my car to save what gas I do have.” So after turning off the motor I gave the gas tank switch one more last flip.

What do you know? The gas cap came open just as the attendant came out with a bigger tool. He said, “What did you do?”

I replied, “I shut my motor off.” Unbeknown to me, my car has a safety feature which won’t let you open the gas tank with the motor running. I guess the times i have got petrol i must have shut my motor off.

After all this time, I did not know that. Of course I have never read the manual, so maybe I should. Is it against the law to let your motor run while getting gas? It must not be because others were doing it. How was I to know? Well, I do now. So, my eternal saga of learning to pump gas and things about my car continue. I guess it is a good thing because I am learning something new about something every day. They say, “You can’t teach an old dog, new tricks.” However, this doggie is willing to learn and besides, (who is old?)

Okay ladies and guys? Are you supposed to turn off the motor when you pump gas? If so, why doesn’t everyone do it? Please help me out and “I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.”