On Sunday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. Bible Fellowship Church (in Paulding, OH across from the hospital) will be having a family movie night for all in the community.
The film, Chariots of Fire, winner of four Academy Awards, is the inspiring true story of two young British sprinters competing for fame in the 1924 Olympics. One of the athletes is Harold Abrahams, the son of a newly rich Jew who runs to overcome prejudice. The other is Eric Liddell, a Christian missionary.
The story is told in flashback, with Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish missionary, who had qualified for the 100 meter sprint, but when he found out at the Olympics the preliminary race was to be on Sunday, he refused to run because of his Christian convictions. He ended up competing and winning the 400 meter race when a British teammate relinquished his spot in the 400 meter because he had already won gold.
Admission to the movie is free and there will be popcorn and water available, also free.