The Antwerp School Board met on October 24 as the meeting had moved from its regularly scheduled date.
Bob Herber is the state liaison for the school and he said that AEDs are now required by law.
Vantage October 3. State Report Card – 5 star school is the highest rating and happy about that. A medical “Vantage Academy of Medical Careers.” is being sought as a big project. Several Vantage students were recognized including: Maylynn Carnahan, Lainee Bonifas, and Faith Clem.
Kristine Stuart gave the financial summary report:
Income: 833,086.21
Expenses: 962,206.75
Interest: 48479.72
25% through the fiscal year. The budget on income and expenses are right on target. Dennis Recker asked what to do with the leftover funds from the paid off bond levy. Stuart stated she would contact the budget commission of the county to see about authorizing that transfer.
High School Principal Jessie Arnold reported that she has completed the walk throughs and is impressed with the creativity of the students. Fall sports are concluding and Kameron Johnson will head to Tiffin for the Cross Country Regional Tournament on October 26th. The student council had a good homecoming week. The 8th grade Washington DC trip will take off soon for their week long trip, and the Parent-Teachers Conferences are scheduled for the first week of November.
Elementary Principal Doug Billman reported that it’s been a busy month in the Elementary. The after school tutoring on Wednesday nights have had up to 40 students involved to help with this program. On October 10th, the kindergarten kids took a field trip to a farm. The 4th – 6th graders took a trip watching the Wild Robot at the Defiance Theatre after they had just finished reading the book. The 3rd grade just completed their state testing. Bob Herber setup a fireman’s experience for the students. November 4-7 has a lot going on with Grandparents Day, Parent-Teachers Conference and the Scholastic Book Sales.
Dr. Marty Miller praised the new principals for their leadership and thanked them for a good first quarter. A $15,000 grant for planting trees was received from the Paulding County Soil and Water Conservation District. A $40,000 grant from Workman’s Compensation was received to purchase a robot painting device for the fields. The robot cost $53,000 in total. The VFW is donating the cost of a book worm book machine along with $1000 from A.C.D.C. There was also a grant from PPEC for the books that will fill this machine on the collaborative dispenser. William Friend donated some money for the preschool program.
Harold Gottke is adding more vape detectors. The camera system being investigated is robust and AI is being added that can track brandished firearms. Gottke is looking for funding to help defray the costs for this added security.
Another heater was installed in the greenhouse by Hormann Heating.
The results of the kids taking home laptops for the “summer slide”. A total of 39 kids participated: 14 kids improved from spring to fall, 12 kids did slide but not as much as those that were not in the program.
On October 11 there was a school safety drill in collaboration with the Antwerp Police Department. There was also a practice bomb threat exercise.
The Paulding County Business Advisory plan, working with Tim Copsey, is to be submitted and needs to be approved by the school board. There is a calendar change in November: a 2-hour delay is scheduled for November 8 for a training at the Wellness Center.