On October 19 a resident of E. River St. reported that her mom and step-father had trespassed on her property by leaving a vehicle on her property.
On October 21 an unruly juvenile was reported at residence at North Garden Apartments. The officer investigated and deescalated the situation by allowing the juvenile to go with her father for the night. A report was prepared.
On October 22 a resident of the village reported someone was harassing him and his family via making comments and statements via a youtube channel. A report was prepared.
On October 24 a resident of CR 45, Antwerp, reported that he had been scammed. He received a check for $11,570 and was told to cash the check and send back $10,000 to the person who sent it to him. It was determined it was all a fraud.
On October 24 a vehicle was parked at a down town business appeared to be damaged and no valid license plate. The vehicle was towed.
On October 25 a domestic dispute was reported at a resident on N. Main St. The case was investigated and a report forwarded to the prosecutor.
On October 25 a wallet was dropped off to the police department, the identification in it showed it belonged to a resident of Payne. The owner was contacted and came and retrieved the wallet.
On October 26 a resident of Main St reported that the neighbor mowed over her child’s bat, while mowing. A report was prepared.
On October 26 a motor vehicle accident was reported on S. Main St. A vehicle had left the road and struck a building. The officer prepared a report and cited the driver.
On October 28 while on patrol an officer observed a vehicle pulling a wagon pull out in front of a vehicle almost causing a collision, and then running over some orange cones the village had set up. The driver was stopped and cited.
On October 28 a resident of Bryan called and requested an officer be present while she retrieved her items from her ex-boyfriend’s house on Canal St.
On October 28 a resident of High St. said he was threatened by a resident of Woodcox St. That resident had accused him of teepeeing his home.
On October 29 a domestic dispute was reported at Leinard Mobile Home Park. An officer went to the location, investigated the situation, forwarded a report to the prosecutor.
If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!