October 29, a domestic dispute was reported at Leinard MHP. Officer responded and one party had already left. A report was prepared, but nothing physical had occurred.
October 29, an officer saw a side by side driving down the road in the village. It was stopped and explained they were not allowed to drive on the road. The driver was issued a warning.
October 30, a resident of 511 N. Main St complained about music coming from the neighbor above him. A report was prepared and the individual was told to contact the landlord.
October 31, police department received a request for an officer to stand by while one party removed property from a resident on Canal St. Officer did as requested.
November 2, a vehicle was stopped on Canal St for having expired license plates, the driver was also cited for driving under suspension.
November 4, a domestic dispute was reported at a residence in the village. Officer responded, report prepared and sent to prosecutor.
November 4, a resident of Woodland Dr. reported a man going door to door selling roof repair. Officer responded, but unable to locate the individual.
November 4, an officer observed a vehicle approaching another vehicle at the stop sign on Erie and Canal. The vehicle passed on left side at sign. Officer stopped the driver and issued citation for stop sign violation and littering.
November 5, a motor vehicle hit-skip was reported at Sunoco.
November 5, a resident of the village reported that someone had attempted to scam him. The caller allegedly told him he had fines that needed to be paid using prepaid Visas.
November 7, a resident of Daggett St reported that someone had obtained his social security number off the internet and had attempted to use it on several occasions.
November 7, a wallet was turned in to the police station that was found at Dollar General.
November 7, a resident of Schaffer Rd reported that he believed a side-by-side had struck his mailbox. The case was investigated.
November 9, the police department assisted the EMS with a squad run in the village.
November 9, the police department was notified by the Paulding County Sheriff of a protection order on a local resident.
November 9, the police department was contacted in reference to a vehicle unlock for a resident on Park Ave. The officer responded and provided the unlock.
November 11, officers were called about a motor vehicle hit-skip. Approx. 5 mail boxes, one telephone pole and cement planter had been smashed by an unknown vehicle. The case was investigated and it was determined to be a farm tractor with a plow. The owner and driver of the equipment were notified and a report was prepared and a citation issued.
November 11, a resident of Woodcox reported his neighbors were harassing him.
November 12, around 11:00 p.m. officer received a report of an alarm at a downtown business. The officer responded and found it secured and contacted the manger.
November 13, around 11:00 a.m. the police department was notified of a domestic dispute on N. Main. The parties were warned about disorderly conduct.
If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419-258-2627. They are always ready to serve the residents of the Village of Antwerp!