Christmases Past
From the Paulding Democrat of Dec. 26, 1878:
Tuesday, Dec. 24, the coldest night we have had this winter. Thermometer marks 11° below zero.
Several canal boats have cast anchor in the port of Antwerp, and will lay here during the winter.
Board of Health Notice: There being now prevailing in our community Scarlet Fever, we suggest that children be kept out of all public entertainments, and that the public schools be suspended until ordered to resume by the Board.
Items are kind of scarce this week at Cecil on account of this being Christmas week. Folks are kind o’ busy preparing for Christmas.
From the Paulding Democrat of Dec. 25, 1879:
Heavy shower of sleet Sunday evening. Very little snow for the time of year.
There has been good skating on the canal during the past week.
Toys, Toys, Toys, Books, Toys, Books, Alphabet blocks, 5 cents per box at the People’s Drug Store.
A candy and nut stand will be in order for the young people, at J.P. Gasser’s, New Year’s Eve.
The young people about town were enjoying the skating at this place Saturday afternoon and evening.
From the Antwerp Argus of Dec. 25, 1884:
Neither of our churches will have a Christmas tree.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a supper at the courthouse, New Year’s Eve.
Antwerp presented an old time appearance last Saturday. Our streets were crowded from early dawn until late in the evening with teams and pedestrians.
Paulding turned out pretty lively last Saturday to the skating rink, some 20 or 30 being in attendance. The young folks not only enjoyed the rink, but the delightful sleighing.
The turkey gobbler that passed Thanksgiving safely should prepare for the worst during the holiday season.
From the Payne Reflector of Dec. 25, 1902:
A delightful stow storm yesterday morning furnished excellent sleighing for Christmas.
Some very pretty and attractive window displays are noticeable about town these days. Our merchants are fully alive to the needs and their stocks of Christmas goods are the finest ever brought into the county.
From the Paulding Democrat of Dec. 26, 1907:
The young people’s dancing club of Antwerp will give a dance Thursday evening next, Dec. 31st, when they expect to dance away the happy hours until 1908 is ushered in. Fine music will also be a feature.
From the Paulding County Republican of Dec. 26, 1918:
The 13 branches and auxiliaries of Paulding County Red Cross Chapter who inspected Christmas cartons for overseas soldiers did commendable work. There were mailed from all places 328 boxes.
From the Paulding Democrat of Dec. 25, 1924:
Damage to telephone lines as a result of the sleet and ice storm that gripped a large section of the country last Friday and Saturday was unprecedented at some points, according to statements emanating from several of the local telephone headquarters in this locality. In the vicinity of Antwerp, 300 telephone poles were down, over 80 of them being between that place and Hicksville.
Last Sunday afternoon’s Christmas song service, given by the Evening Musical, assisted by men from the various church choirs, at the Grand Theatre, was enjoyed by a good sized attendance, the lower floor being filled, with many in the balcony.
On the afternoon of New Year’s Day, from 2:30 to 5:00, a community reception will be given by the ladies of the Tuesday Club at the home of Mrs. Eugene Hardesty. The object of the reception is to promote the community spirit, which should be particularly dominant in the hearts of good citizens at this yuletide season.