By: Addison Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter
The Paulding FFA gets in the Christmas spirit early and continues into December! In late October, a group of 20 members went to assist the Paulding Historical Society with the setup of their Christmas trees for the annual festival. The Paulding FFA officers then put together their own tree as a team following the theme for the year. This year’s theme was “Let’s Trim the Tree.” We focused on highlighting our officer team with pictures of them in clear bulbs, also using plain blue and gold bulbs. This year the FFA tree received several donations in their can to contribute back to the historical society. Then in late November a group of members met at the historical society to tear down and put away all the trees from the festival until next year. Then each year in early December, the Paulding FFA participates in Paulding County Adopt a Family Program. This year we held a bake sale during the boys basketball game to raise money for our adopt a family kids as there was a greater need this year. We had several members, teachers and community members donate to and support our bake sale. This year a group of 20 members went to Walmart and went shopping for ten children from the ages of 2 to 17. These are some of our favorite community service events where we get to help our local community and live by the FFA motto “Living to Serve.” Once all the gifts were bought, we had a group of students from the Agribusiness & Plant & Animal Science class help wrap and label all gifts for the children to have a wonderful Christmas. We also had 8 members who participated in the Salvation Army bell ringing project at Chief in Paulding on December 7th. Finally, right before break the Paulding FFA officer team celebrated their hard work with a Christmas party complete with food, games and a secret Santa gift exchange. We are so happy to partner with many community organizations to assist others and volunteer in our community!